Yoga & Knitting

A meditative combination



  • Several weeks ago I signed up to take a beginner knitting class with Jennifer at a local yarn shop that consisted of myself and several other beginner knitters. Never in a million years did I really anticipate learning to actually knit in a four session class. Jennifer is by far the best instructor I've had for a hands-on technique oriented class. She has a talent for engaging the student through simple step by step instructions that's not overwhelming and her personality is both patient and passionate. That passion for knitting is contagious and I have now signed up for additional classes. I'm able to stay engaged through her user intuitive website by accessing her online videos (which are fabulous!) and I have access to her class schedule and newsletter. I can't recommend her classes enough!

    Heather Griffin

  • I have experienced short Yoga for Knitter's with Jennifer on several occasions, when she emphasized exercises for hands and chair yoga exercises for back and shoulders. As an older spinner, knitter who has had shoulder, wrist, and hand injuries and surgeries, I found the exercises very helpful in using correct posture, stretching, and other activities to relieve the postural and tension inducing mistakes fiber artists tend to engage in. These exercises are utilized by me on a regular basis now.

    Fran S

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