Best interchangeable needle set for beginners

What are the best knitting needles for beginners?

If you’re a beginning knitter, or you just want a good workhorse set of interchangeables, the Knit Picks Options interchangeable sets are for you!

In this post, I’ll talk about the pros and cons of my Knit Picks Rainbow Options interchangeable knitting needles. At just $65.99, these needles are a super affordable set. The tips range from US size 4 (3.5 mm)up to US 11 (8 mm). They utilize the twist on key system of join, and include 4 cables, plus keys and stoppers.


I love having a decent set of needles on hand. They are easy to grab and go. I also have this case, to keep me a little more organized.

They keep their shape. I’ve been knitting on these for the last 5 years, and I still use them all the time.

They are very affordable. Some sets that I’ve seen are over $150, so this is a great price point for those who aren’t ready to mortgage the house to fund their knitting obsession.

The join is pretty smooth. The place where the tip meets the cord and twists on is called the “join”. These have a pretty smooth join that isn’t likely to tear up your yarn. But you might notice the bump as you go along.

They’re so pretty!


The smallest ones can break. I have broken several of the size 4. You may not have this problem. My hands are really strong. But a PRO that goes along with this is that Knit Picks is great about replacing broken needles.

The join can untwist. Even though I always use the key to attach tips to cords, I have had them come apart. If you’re mid-project and don’t notice your cord loosening up, you might end up with a whole row of dropped stitches. This doesn’t happen often, but it can occur.

Bottom line, these needles are a great first set, back up set, or workhorse set of knitting needles.

Check out my review on YouTube here.

Buy your own set here. This is an affiliate link, but it will cost you nothing & help me keep this blog & YouTube channel running.


Show notes, Real Knitting podcast episode 6


Episode 5 is live!