5 Questions to Help you Choose your Next Project

What should I knit next?

To choose what to knit next, ask yourself these 5 questions: 1-what do I love to wear? 2-what does my wardrobe need? 3-what do I love to knit? 4-what fits my personal style? 5-what do I enjoy feeling? These questions can help guide you to a finished knitted object that you will cherish!

Do you have a system of what to cast on, or do you just go with the flow?  What types of things influence your decision?  In this post, I will share with you a couple of ways I choose what to work on next.  These simple methods may just make you happier with your finished objects (FOs)!

Most people don’t have a clear plan of what to knit next.  When choosing a new cast-on, you might search for a pattern to pair with a certain yarn you found on sale (this is TOTALLY me!).  You might have heard a podcaster or “knitfluencer” talking about the latest trendy pattern.  Or you just knit whatever new pattern your fave designer just released.  And let me tell you, friends, this is my usual way of being!  I’m very much distracted by the next shiny object I see.


But for those of you who like systems, and like to be a little more in charge of your knitting, let’s look at a few questions to ask yourself before you cast on, or even spend a penny.

1-What do I love to wear?  Right now, I’m in a season of my life where I love a good cardigan.  Because of a couple surgeries, I’m actually post-menopausal.  So, my comfort temperature can change in a heartbeat!  I’d love to wear all the woolies, all the time.  But I’ve got to have something I can quickly take off if I feel a “power surge” coming on.  Because of this, I’m looking to knit easy pop-overs that I can also pop off and still be wearing a decent outfit.  You’ll often find me in a dress (with or without leggings) boots and a cardigan, because I work in an office.  The cardi can come and go, as needed throughout the day.

2-What does my wardrobe need?  “Need” may be too strong of a word for most of our wardrobes nowadays.  I don’t technically “need” any more clothes.  But what would my wardrobe want, in the way of hand-knits?  Do you need a lightweight summer tee, or a heavy, multilayer fair isle?  Do you want a shawl to match or “go with” those wonderful pants you bought last week?  Do you want to spice up your winter coat with some bold accessories?  Look at what’s missing in the clothes you wear.  What is your wardrobe asking for?

3-What do I love to knit?  There’s nothing worse than hating your knitting!  Knitting is supposed to be our hobby.  It’s supposed to be fun!  Of course, it’s sometimes challenging, but we shouldn’t have to slog our way through miles of color work, just because a podcaster says that’s what’s “in” this year.  Personally, I like to have a few projects on the needles at any given time (that’s a post for another day!).  Some of the time, I love a challenging knit.  But I also have young kids, and I can’t focus well on a complicated stitch or a chart or a new technique with them around.  Those are times that I just love mindless, endless stockinette stitch.  Something that I don’t even have to look down at.  That I can work on while my 6 year old says, “hey, mom, watch this!” and hear his wonderful laughter.  We’re all in different seasons of life.  What kind of knitting works for the season you’re in today?

4-What’s going to fit my style (or the intended wearer’s)?  In case you don’t know this about me, I’m about 5’10”, which is relatively tall.  Some styles that look great on my friends leave me looking lanky and weird.  And we all have our own personal taste.  I much prefer solid colors, and I wear a ton of black.  I like my accessories to provide the pop of color.  But big & frilly items just overwhelm me.  I like a scooped or v-neck, as opposed to a crew neckline.  And a big cozy shawl to keep my neck warm.  A “cropped” sweater for me has to meet my waistline, or close to it for me to feel comfortable.  If I’m knitting for my boys, I have to keep durability first & foremost.  At 6 and 2, they are rough and tumble.  Anything I make for them has to be easy-care, and easy-wear.  How about you?  Are you into the basics, or are you looking for flair?  What style suits your body type best?

5-What do I love to feel?  This question isn’t as cut-and-dry as you might think.  Yes, we all love the softest of soft merinos.  And the alpaca blends can be absolutely divine!  But they’re also slippery.  When a stitch is dropped, they can just slither away, and you’re left with the frustration of picking up a dropped stitch from the cast on.  My hands love to feel these types of yarn, but they also like to feel the sturdiness of a more rustic yarn.  The itchy, prickly yarns are sometimes the best ones to work with, if they won’t be worn next-to-skin.  I love the feel of rustic yarns when I’m working color work.  I like how they catch and grab.  How they stand to attention and wait for you to pick them up when dropped.

As you can see, there is so much to think about with the next cast-on!  Don’t let me hold you back from chasing the next shiny thing, if that’s what makes your heart sing.  But if you want to be sure you’ll be happy with your next project, you might want to take the time and answer these questions for yourself.  Does this pattern fit my style?  Do I like the way the yarn works up in my swatch?  Will this project wait years in my closet before I have an opportunity wear it?  I just want you to be happy with your knitting and to have an item that is worthy of being an heirloom.


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